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Initially spanning seven countries and three continents, the new World Alliance of Children’s Choirs (WACC) is a global membership organisation supporting children’s choirs with the aim of moulding, nurturing, uniting and inspiring children of the world through singing.
The WACC will provide a range of opportunities for its member choirs starting with virtual workshops, followed by festivals and international choral exchange opportunities for choristers, conductors and choirs.
The alliance is overseen by eight founding board members and their choirs, in Asia, Europe and North America: Darius Lim (Chairperson, WACC Board) & Voices of Singapore Children’s Choir (Singapore), Basilio Astulez Duque & Leioa Kantika Korala (Spain), Kathy Fok & Hong Kong Children’s Choir (Hong Kong), Marouska Attard & Scholar Cantorum Jubilate Children’s Choir (Malta), Susanna Saw / Chi Hoe Mak & Young Choral Academy (Malaysia), Vinzenz Weissenburger & Staatsoper Unter den Linden Children’s Choir (Germany), Zimfira Poloz & Hamilton Children’s Choir (Canada).
Darius Lim, Artistic Director of Voices of Singapore Children’s Choir and Chairperson of the WACC Board, said, ‘When we were children we dreamt about travelling the world, making music with new friends, and experiencing cultures from places around the world.
‘The World Alliance of Children’s Choirs is here to do just that. In this time of change, let us come together to unite, to learn, to strengthen, to share and to inspire.’
The WACC invites children’s choirs around the globe to join as Global Alliance Members or Country Representatives, to open a world of new choral opportunities. Registrations are now open on the WACC website, with free membership until 31 January 2023 available for choirs who register before 31 December 2021.
For further information, please contact visit the World Alliance of Children’s Choirs website or email