Anger across creative sector at latest UK government media campaign 13 May 2023FundingJobs and careersMusic industry and businessNewsPerformingUK and Ireland
London launch for publishers’ choral repertoire event series 17 April 2023Music industry and businessNewsPerformingProducts and servicesUK and Ireland
QUO VADIS CHORAL MUSIC 2023: Registration opens for Kosovo conference 12 April 2023Education and trainingEuropeInternationalJobs and careersMusic industry and businessNewsPerforming
Wise Music Group takes controlling stake in Edition Peters 5 April 2023InternationalMusic industry and businessNews
New CEO for Royal Albert Hall 23 January 2023InternationalJobs and careersMusic industry and businessNewsUK and Ireland
European Choral Association seeks hosts for Leading Voices 2025 22 December 2022Competitions and festivalsEuropeMusic industry and businessNews
UK Music Publishers Association announces new appointments 26 July 2022Jobs and careersMusic industry and businessNewsUK and Ireland
Welcome to the venue formerly known as Sage Gateshead 1 July 2022Music industry and businessNewsPerformingUK and Ireland
Schott Music appoints new UK directors 1 July 2022EuropeJobs and careersMusic industry and businessNewsUK and Ireland
CHORALLY goes social with CHORALLY+ network 29 June 2022InternationalMusic industry and businessNewsProducts and services